Feminist Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Downgrades Male Voters

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has little regard for male voters.  She has no concern for American men's rights or economic prosperity. Her only interest is the prosperity of women.

For example, the feminist Senator formed a movement called "OffTheSidelines". The movement's website states 
"Off The Sidelines is Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's call to action to encourage every woman and girl to make their voice heard on the issues they care about. Raising your voice truly can change the world."
"Kirsten believes that if more women are elected to office and have a seat at the decision-making table, the outcomes will be better."
"Kirsten is continuing to fight for her women's economic policy agenda aimed squarely at giving working women and their families a fair shot in the new economy. "
The website clearly shows Gillibrand is neither interested in representing nor fighting for men. She has no economic policy for men. She sees her male constituents as inconsequential.

She also views women as smarter and better decision makers than men. She told attendees at the American Progress Ideas Festival.
If it weren't Lehman Brothers, but Lehman Sisters, we might not have had the financial collapse,"
Additionally,  the feminist Senator is angered an effort is currently being made to make sexual assault investigation procedures fair for male college students. students.Her statements show she believes all accused male students are guilty, women never lie and Title IX protection applies only to females. She is actively undermining the rights of men in college.

Lastly, her Variety Magazine interview emphasizes she is concerned only about representing women. She said:
"We have 400 women running for Congress right now, which is a record number. Women did very well in recent elections. Strong women candidates are running and winning. I really value women. I believe we have something of value to contribute to our society and government. Look at the lack of movement in Congress on sexual harassment issues. If you had different people [in Congress] making the decisions, you would have different outcomes."
She does not "really value" men.  Only women matter. Additionally, her statements during the interview show she has no interest in protecting men from false rape accusations. Every  accused  man is presumed guilty.

Senator Gillibrand views men as irrelevant.  She has no interest in the welfare of working men or protecting them from false rape accusations.   She is uninterested in protecting the rights of male college students. Gillibrand sees herself strictly as a representative of women. Since she has such a negative and sexist view of men, why should any male voters support her?

October 27, 2018

Senator Kristen Gillibrand Undermines The Rights Of Male College Students

New York Senator Kristen Gillibrand has been fighting against reforming sexual assault investigation procedures for colleges.

 Currently, investigations operate under the "preponderance of evidence standard". This standard requires only the possibility an accused male student is guilty of sexual assault.  Unless evidence  proves he is innocent, investigators typically conclude a man is guilty of sexual assault based primarily on an accusation from a woman.  Subsequently, the male student is kicked out of school and has trouble enrolling in other schools because he is presumed a rapist.

US Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, wants schools to use a higher standard of evidence for determining a student's guilt.  She is also proposing regulations requiring schools approach all investigations under the presumption that the accused is innocent until proved guilty. Lastly, Deovs  recommends both the accuser and accused be allowed complete access to information gathered by universities during their investigation. Some schools currently deny students access to the investigation files.

Senator Gillibrand is angered an effort is being made to make investigations fair for male students.  She stated
"Let's fight back to make sure Betsy DeVos and the Department of Education do not turn their backs on survivors of campus sexual assault."
Additionally,  the New York Senator said
 "This betrays students. Betsy DeVos should be doing everything she can to make Title IX enforcement stronger
Her statement shows she believes Title IX  applies only to female students.  Gillibrand  also penned an extensive article  for Cosmopolitan Magazine demanding the "preponderance of the evidence" standard remain in place. 

She wrote:
 "The Department of Education should never turn its back on sexual assault survivors  and I'm ready to fight to make sure they don't. If this also matters to you, then I encourage you to raise your voice and speak out as forcefully as you can about it. We must keep our campuses safe, and to do that, we need good, strong, and fair enforcement of Title IX."
 "By saying she plans to revoke or rescind the Title IX guidelines, Secretary DeVos has shown that she does not take the rights of survivors seriously, but I will do everything in my power as a senator to fight to support our sexual assault survivors. I urge everyone who cares about safety and fairness on our college campuses to join me in this fight and demand that our government officials take campus sexual assault seriously,"
Her article shows she assumes all accused male students are guilty, female students never lie and Title IX only applies to women. Gillibrand  judges students on the basis of their gender rather than their actions. Senator Gillibrand  is a sexist.

When The New York Times recently reported on a draft copy of Devo's reforms, Gillibrand responded by tweeting:
"When has @BetsyDeVosED ever stood with anyone but the powerful? She sides with for-profit colleges over students, lenders over borrowers and predators over survivors. At every turn, she betrays her responsibility to the students she's meant to serve. It's sickening."
Senator Kristen Gillibrand views male college students as predators and rapists. In her mind, these students have no rights and are not protected by Title IX. Any male student planning on voting for her in November should reconsider his decision.

October 1, 2018