Saskatoon Bars Cater to Feminist Hypocrisy

A feminist anti-rape poster campaign in Saskatoon bars, coordinated with police, is targeting young men and informing them that drunk or unconscious women can’t consent to sex. Therefore, men having sex with these women will be charged with rape.

One of the posters features a woman who is passed out drunk along with a caption that reads: "Just because she’s not saying no … doesn’t mean she’s saying yes". Feminist, Heather Pocock, of the Saskatoon Sexual Assault and Information Centre stated the ads are refreshing because they target the offender [men], not the victim [women]. “We need to continue to address the issues of sexual assault and consent publicly and where males in the largest offending age group will see the posters and take a good look at themselves and their attitudes and behaviors towards women,” added Ms. Pocock. The Saskatoon Police Service's Jean-Marc Voisard stated men will be "held accountable for their behavior".

Very few men go to bars hoping a woman becomes unconscious so he can have sex with her. It would be like having sex with a corpse - simply disgusting. This narrow minded poster clearly shows feminists have absolutely no understanding of men. Additionally, the idea a drunk woman and a drunk man having sex is rape because drunk women cant give consent is blatant feminist hypocrisy.

Some women go to bars, get drunk, have sex with drunk men, then sober up the next morning realizing the guy doesn’t have much money or he didn’t ski in the Swiss Alps or have countless other reasons why they now regret having had sex with him. The Saskatoon Sexual Assault Centre classifies these incidents as rape. They claim women are not responsible for their behavior while drunk. NOT HOLDING WOMEN ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS IS A FOUNDING PRINCIPLE OF FEMINISM.

However, in classic hypocrisy, feminist claim men ARE responsible for their actions while they are drunk. Drunk men will be held accountable by the law for their sexual conduct.

Thus a drunk man is responsible for both his actions and the woman's actions.

To further emphasize the law's female chauvinist double standard, consider what happens when a man gets drunk and has sex with a fat girl. The next morning, he sobers up, looks at her and regrets he had sex with her. The Saskatoon police and Ms Pocock do not demand the fat girl be arrested on rape charges. Its tough luck for the guy if he regrets his actions. Ms Pocock is a female chauvinist bullshtter - in other words she is a feminist.

Additionally, her claim men's attitudes toward women need to change is a farce. What needs to change is feminist attitudes about women and their idea that women are all honest and good. Feminist also need to change their female chauvinist behavior toward men.

Convict actual rapists not men whom women latter regret having slept with.

Any Saskatoon man falsely accused of rape as a result of these hypocrite laws should sue not only the girl but also Ms. Pocock and her Saskatoon sexist organization.

October 12, 2011

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"To further emphasize the law's female chauvinist double standard, consider what happens when a man gets drunk and has sex with a fat girl. The next morning, he sobers up, looks at her and regrets he had sex with her. The Saskatoon police and Ms Pocock do not demand the fat girl be arrested on rape charges. Its tough luck for the guy if he regrets his actions. Ms Pocock is a female chauvinist bullshtter - in other words she is a feminist."

Yeah... I've been in that situation many times, when I was a much younger man and it really is a sickening feeling too!
As you've pointed out so clearly however, there wasn't a bloody thing I could do about it.
In at least two such liasons that I recall, I can honestly say that it was RAPE too, those two women were of very large physique and wouldn't take no for an answer. The only reason I was able to 'oblige' both of them was that they managed to make me so senselessly drunk, I probably saw them as something different to what they really were!
There are also very strict laws related to 'drink spiking', (and of course only apply to men spiking women's drinks, not the other way around) which in those two incidents, were really the same thing: Those fuglys deliberately got me drunk (BTW at MY EXPENSE, not theirs) so that they could take advantage of my weak state of mind or impaired judgement...