False Rape Accuser Kellie Bartlett Avoids Jail

Kellie Bartlett  had been cheating on her husband Shane Bartlett  for over a year with a Michigan deputy, She worked as a clerk in the Eaton County Sheriff's Office.

In the spring of 2017, the Deputy ended the relationship and asked Mrs. Bartlett to stop contacting him.  According to, Michigan State Police Detective Sgt. Erik Darling, after the relationship ended, Kellie Bartlett continued trying to contact the deputy and began stalking him.  In December 2017, she was  fired for undisclosed reasons thought possibly relating to the stalking. 

In January 2018, Mrs Bartlett  filed a compliant with Michigan State Police  claiming the Michigan deputy had sexually assaulted her in March 2017. News reports also state her husband - who was the police chief for the town of Potterville - may have helped her file the false compliant.  What she told her husband remains unclear. As a result of Mrs Bartlett's compliant, a criminal investigation was initiated against the deputy. However, the investigation determined backstabbing wife,  Kellie Bartlett, was a "willing and consenting partner" in the sexual encounters. She then admitted to the affair.

Mrs. Bartlett initially faced 16 charges related to her job at the Eaton County Sheriff's Office and her false report to Michigan State Police that the deputy raped her.  Most of the charges were dismissed in exchange for Mrs Bartlett's guilty plea to 'false report of a felony', 'lying to a police officer', unauthorized access to a computer,  stalking and identity theft. The last charge  resulted from her faking a  physician's note in order to receive compensation for time off from her clerk job.

Recently, Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Clinton Canady stated Kellie Bartlett can avoid jail if she stays out of trouble until her official sentencing hearing in December 2020.  She will be issued curfew rather than incarceration.

Once again, the American judicial system fails to hold a false rape accuser accountable for her actions. This is exactly why so many false rape accusations occur.  Women can even falsely accuse police officers of rape without fear of the law.  In this feminist era, are grown women ever going to be held responsible for their own criminal behavior?

February 28, 2020


Anonymous said...

Feminism was never about equality. It was always about hate.

jlnelson said...

So... she broke the law and stalked someone, while lying to everyone... and gets, effectively, no punishment?

Rob said...

That sums it up pretty well.