Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar

Presidential candidate Senator Amy Klobuchar was recently asked about the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination hearings. Kavanaugh had been accused of sexual assault by Blasey Ford during the hearings. Ford claimed the assault happened over 30 years ago.

Journalist Bret Baier asked Klobuchar:
"What about Brett Kavanaugh? Did he have due process when he was questioned by you in that committee? And did he have due process being innocent before proven guilty by Democrats in that process?"
She responded by saying:
"I'm only smiling because, like, he got a really good job out of the whole thing. Okay, he's like on the Supreme Court of the United States. Yes, I think he did. We had a process, and that process was a hearing before the Senate. And that hearing went on and then new evidence came out and that was evidence from Dr. Blasey Ford, who even my colleagues on the other side of the aisle who supported Judge Kavanaugh and voted for him, said that she was credible. She came forward with her story."
What colleague said she was credible? Klobuchar refused to mention any name. She refused to even state how Ford's 30 year old story of alleged assault is even credible. No evidence was ever presented that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her. Ford simply claimed he was a rapist. Klobuchar made it clear that if she were in charge of voting, Kavanaugh would be denied a job and charged with sexual assault. Amy Klobuchar  wanted to run the hearing identical to college campus sexual assault investigations - where guilt is determined on the basis of the accused and accuser's gender.  The senator is a female chauvinist - in other words she is a feminist.

Klobuchar is an official who represents an entire state.  She is an example of why you should never vote for a feminist.

May 10, 2019