Feminist have launched a national
campaign of harassment and intimidation toward male college
At Columbia University, feminists wrote
the names of four male students at various locations across the
campus claiming they were rapists. However, none of the students had been found guilty of anything. The
only known fact about any of their cases is that a complaint was
filed against one of the men 5 months after the incident.
New York's feminist Senator, Kirsten
Gillibrand, wants more legislation against colleges' alleged rape
culture. She stated "The price [for women] of a college
education should not include a 1 in 5 chance of
being sexually assaulted." She claimed schools have "become
havens for rape and sexual assault". "These are not cases
of dates gone badly, of a misunderstanding about
whether she said yes or no, these are actually brutal crimes
committed by recidivists and predators". Falsely claiming
thousands of women are being raped means thousands
of men are rapists. Gillibrand is hoping to create new legislation
making it easier for schools to expel large numbers of accused men.
Sandra Fluke, a feminist California
State Senate candidate, repeated Gillibrand's fraudulent clam of 1 in
5 female undergraduates being sexually assaulted. She stated "One
in five women will survive a rape or
attempted rape by the time she graduates college. That means of the
approximately 966,000 women at the bachelor's degree level who will graduate this year, 193,200 will be
survivors of rape or attempted rape while in college". Fluke
demanded female undergraduates be given "rape shield statutes to
protect assault survivors from character
assassination". Her proposal means that in any campus incidents
women will remain anonymous while men will be named. This includes
incidents of false rape.
In a TIME Magazine article, Nancy Chi
Cantalupo, feminist professor at Georgetown Law, argued that accused
students rights can be ignored because "schools face exponentially more expensive liability
for violating student victims’ rights under Title IX than they do
for violating accused assailants’ due process rights". She stated the largest award given to a
falsely accused male undergraduate was only $26,500 compared with
$2.8 million awarded a women.
Feminist Amanda Childress, Sexual
Assault Awareness Program coordinator at Dartmouth College stated
“"Why could we not expel a student based on an allegation?” "It
seems to me that we value fair and equitable
processes more than we value the safety of our students." Thus,
the Dartmouth Coordinator wants men expelled on mere accusations. This same school has also created a
Bystander Initiative program which demands pupils, faculty and staff
intervene against men at the first signs of dating trouble. Dartmouth is creating a type
of feminist police state.
Lastly, TIME magazine's recent large
article titled 'The Sexual Assault Crisis on American Campuses'
emphasized campus sexual assault rules are applied only against men. Women cannot be rapists. In fairness,
the author also implored only about 6% of male undergraduates are
rapists. She said most men are good. Nonetheless, emphasizing rape
laws be applied only against men gives
feminist opportunities to manipulate sexual assault rules without
impacting female students. Manipulating rules will allow for the expulsion of increasing numbers of
men from college. Thus, 6% can easily be changed to 20% or even 40%
of male undergraduates are rapists. An example of this double standard occurred in the Ohio State
University false rape incident. A video was posted of two drunk undergraduates having sex. Feminists publicly demanded the man be
expelled because, under current campus guidelines, a drunk women
cannot give sexual consent. However, the man was was also drunk. Yet
the woman was not deemed a rapist. Sexual assault guidelines
were applied only toward the man.
Across America, feminist are advocating
a hostile campus environment for male university students. These
women are creating rules allowing for the easy expulsion of men on bogus charges. Feminist are
attempting to limit the number of men earning degrees.
The impetus
for this limitation is a 2010 study by the research firm Reach
Advisors. The study discovered single women aged
22-30 outearn their male counterparts in most American cities. Reach
Advisors cited college education as the main reason for the gender pay gap. Significantly more
women than men earn degrees. By altering campus rules, feminist hope
thousands of male undergraduates can be prevented from obtaining
degrees. Less men with degrees means more high paying
skilled jobs go to educated women.
Curtailing mens' economic opportunities
while simultaneously advancing women is the campaign's major goal. If feminists wanted equality, they would have advocated fairness for
all students. Instead, these women are intentionally
creating a hostile learning environment for men.